All Product Performance Data
Thermal & Optical Performance Data
Makeup | key2 | Tilt Tilt-angle (°) Angle of the glass relative to the horizon
Ug.w Ug (W/m².K) Heat-transfer coefficient (center-of-glass)
.w NFRC 100-2010 Winter Condition
Ug.s Ug (W/m².K) Heat-transfer coefficient (center-of-glass)
.s NFRC 100-2010 Summer Condition
SHGC SHGC (Range: 0 – 1) Solar heat gain coefficient
VLT VLT (Range: 0 – 1) Visible light transmittance
VLRf VLRf (Range: 0 – 1) Front Visible light reflectance
VLRb VLRb (Range: 0 – 1) Back Visible light reflectance
Tdw Tdw-ISO (Range: 0 – 1) Damage weighted transmittance
Tuv Tuv (Range: 0 – 1) UV transmittance
Sel. Selectivity (VLT/SHGC) Ratio of visible light transmittance over solar heat gain coefficient
rgbhex | Nom. Nominal thicknesses (mm) List of nominal thicknesses of the IGU components separated by the '+' symbol Example: 17.52:
Total. Total thickness (mm) Total thickness of the glazing system; sum of component thicknesses
Visual | fontcolour | prime | complement | lowE |
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